


主       讲:杭州直播1

直播时间:2020-11-22 08:00 起 1次直播

¥0.01 ¥399.00
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发言专家:Cheng Xiaotang (程晓堂), Beijing Normal University

发言题目:What makes certain language test items difficult?

This presentation reports the results from a study that investigated what makes certain English test items difficult. Data was collected from six published reports on students’ performance in the English gaokao. All the challenging test items discussed in the six reports were re-examined by the present researcher to determine whether students’ poor performance on these items was due to the design of the items or students’ lack of knowledge or skills. Results showed that the majority of these tough items had problems in terms of the design, such as having more than one plausible answer or no plausible answer at all. Only a small number of the difficult items were found to have no problems in terms of design.

专家简介:Cheng Xiaotang (程晓堂)Ph.D. is currently a professor of applied linguistics at the School of Foreign Languages and Literature of Beijing Normal University. He holds an MA degree in language teaching and a Ph.D. in functional linguistics. He teaches and researches discourse analysis, language education, syllabus design, materials development, and teacher education. In the past years, he has served as a key member of the English Curriculum Standards Panel and has been extensively involved in English curriculum reform in China.


发言专家:Qu Weiguo (曲卫国), Fudan University

发言题目:Do we still need Standard English? On the implications of politicizing English teaching


There was a time when we thought about learning English, we would surely announce that we wanted to learn Standard English, and we believed we knew for sure what variety and what standard were referred to. But can we still be so sure now? Can we talk about Standard English with an easy conscience?  


We will discuss some postcolonial and critical hypotheses that have significant impacts on EFL teaching. We hold the view that politicizing English teaching in the EFL context has more negative consequences because such politicization clashes with the purpose of EFL teaching, which is to help students build up linguistic repertoire that can provide them with linguistic choices for various translingual interactions. For all the political complexities, Standard English is still the most important variety in the unideal reality. In the discussion, we will also critique such concepts as worlds Englishes and translingualism, arguing that the former, as an imagined linguistic landscape, has reduced linguistic diversity of the actual world to a virtual world of linguistic uniformity whereas the latter, as a strategy in EFL teaching, weakens students’ desire and ability to master English. In a word, in EFL teaching, English, whose international use is only a historical contingency, can best serve us when it is seen as a tool with which we can expand our linguistic capital in a multilingual world.


简介:Qu Weiguo (曲卫国), Professor of English, Fudan University. He was a Fulbright scholar at the Department of English, Harvard University (2004), and has won quite a few national and municipal awards for his teaching and research. His research interest covers discourse analysis, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, rhetoric and stylistics. Apart from publishing in Chinese, his publications in English include papers that have appeared in College Composition and Communication, Changing English, English Today, Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication, Journal of Second Language Writing,  and books such as Introducing Argumentation (2005), Discourse Stylistics (2009) , Introducing Critical Thinking and Argumentation (2013) Re-orientation: trans-cultural, trans-lingual and trans-media studies in narrative, language , identity and knowledge (2015), Politeness in Early Modern England (2017), etc.


发言专家:Jin Yan (金艳), Shanghai Jiaotong University

发言题目:Context validity in language testing: Test operations and conditions for construct operationalization

In this presentation, the concept of context validity is revisited, and the central role of contextually appropriate operations and conditions in construct operationalization is highlighted through detailed case analysis. The presentation starts with a review of the contextual facets in operationalizing the construct of language tests. Two cases are then analyzed to illustrate how test constructs can be operationalized through careful design and subtle delivery of test tasks. The case of the Advanced English Reading Test demonstrates how the construct of expeditious reading could be operationalized through the specification of test operations and the manipulation of test conditions. The second case of the College English Test—Spoken English Test (CET-SET) shows the developer’s efforts to retain the construct of interactional competence during the transition from the face-to-face group interview format to the computer-based speaking test. The presentation ends with a discussion of the challenges facing the test developer in extrapolating from task performances to the performances in the target language use domain.

专家简介:Jin Yan (金艳) is a professor of applied linguistics at the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Her research interests include the development and validation of large-scale, high-stakes language assessments. She is currently chair of the National College English Testing Committee and president of the Asian Association for Language Assessment. She is also co-editor-in-chief of the research paper Language Testing in Asia and sits on the editorial boards of Language Testing, Language Assessment Quarterly, and several other academic journals.


发言专家:Derek Irwin, University of Nottingham Ningbo China

发言题目:Audience interaction for TESOL: a bilingual production case study

Teaching language with drama has been an effective tool in the international English classroom; it encourages oral fluency, comprehensibility, reduces anxiety, encourages participation, and precipitates teacher development. Many studies have confirmed the productive use of drama to teach English, but stemming from this is the value of inter-cultural experience in the classroom environment. This current study takes the foundation of these TESOL scholars and integrates the theatrical notion of reception theory along with systemic functional linguistic analysis to develop, produce, and implement a program for young learners of English in the Chinese context. It achieved this by directing a group of students from the University of Nottingham to adapt a traditional Chinese tale from Journey to the West and then perform it to three distinct audiences: Chinese middle school, primary school, and kindergarten students. In doing so, the actors had to vary the balance of Chinese to English in the production to maximize audience participation at varying levels of English language knowledge. This talk will reveal the performances’ effectiveness and examine how the techniques may be used both in and outside the classroom.

专家简介:Derek Irwin is the head of the School of Education and English at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) and is an associate professor of Applied Linguistics. He is one of the coordinators of arts activities at UNNC, and has worked with several high schools and universities internationally and in China on theatre and arts events. Dr. Irwin is currently supervising Ph.D. and Ed.D. students working in critical discourse analysis of political and literary texts and gestural and multimodal analysis in learning and translation.




