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论文精粹|深度挖掘教材 培养思维品质




外研版《高中》英语必修1第五模块的“Reading and Vocabulary”由两篇文章组成。其中的Passage B描述了铁分别在干燥的空气中、无空气的水中、普通水中加热时的化学反应。文中提到的三个实验简单易懂,但缺少相关科学原理的讲解,这正为训练与培养学生的批判性与创新性思维提供了良好素材。


Passage B中第二个实验的内容如下:2. Iron in air-free water(1) Half-fill a test tube with water. (2) Boil the water for three minutes. (This makes sure there is no air in the water.) (3) Put two or three clean nails in the water. (4) Add some oil to the water. This will keep air out of the water. (5) Leave the tube for one week.


在短暂的沉默后,一位学生问道:Why should we boil the water for three minutes.这个问题比较简单,很快有学生利用教材上的句子回答道:Because this can make sure there is no air in the water.

接着,在第一个问题的鼓励下,另一个学生问道:Why do we need to leave the tube for a week, but not just for one or two hours or a day.这个问题对原文内容提出了质疑。短暂思考后,一个学生回答道:From Passage A, we know that iron reacts slowly in air, so we need to give iron enough time to react completely in the air. Otherwise, we don’t know whether it reacts in the air or not.教材第五模块Passage A中提到Iron reacts slowly in oxygen,而这个学生创造性地把前面学过的知识进行迁移,用于回答新问题,展现了良好的思维品质。

之后,学生们打开了思维阀门,思考之后相继提出不同的问题。例如:1. Why do we half-fill the test tube? 2. Why can boiling the water make sure there is no air in the water? 3. How can we tell there is no air in the water? 4. Why must we use clean nails? 5.Why do we use two or three nails but not one nail? 6.Why do we add oil to the water, but not other substances? 针对学生提出的问题,笔者通过一步步追问引导学生得出科学合理的解释。

其中,笔者对上例所示的第6个问题进行了多次的启发式追问。一个学生提出这个问题后,便有学生很快回答道:Because oil can keep air out of the water。这时,笔者追问道:Then why can oil keep air out of the water? 学生A回答:Oil is usually very thick, so air can’t get through it. 学生B补充道:And because oil can float on the surface of the water.于是,笔者又追问:Then why can oil float on the surface of the water? 学生C很快回答:Because oil is lighter than water.笔者继续追问:Why oil is lighter than water? 学生D用中文回答说:“因为油的密度比水小”。之后,笔者将density写在黑板上,学生立即便可以猜测出这个单词的含义,纷纷用英语回答:Because the density of oil is lower than the density of water. 最后,学生继续头脑风暴,提问道:Then when should we add oil to the water? 这个问题又引发了学生的一阵热烈讨论。

在整个师生追问与互动环节中,令笔者印象最深刻的是一个学生对实验的描述和配图的准确性提出了自己的质疑。该学生针对文章中提到的前两个实验步骤指出,教材的配图中,液体容量达到了试管的三分之二,与正文中Half-fill的文字描述不符。此外,该学生还指出,煮沸试管中液体的实验条件为液体总量不得超过试管的三分之一,而教材中的Half- fill a test tube不符合实验操作要求。这些问题正体现出了该学生良好的批判性思维品质。




选自:《21世纪英语教育》第317期   四川省绵阳外国语学校  程晓锋


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